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13th century 15th century 1930s 1940s 1950s 1970s 1980s 1990s




abandoned by mother abduction abuse abusive father abusive mother acid trip adolescence adoption adult adultery affair age difference aggressive agoraphobia aids airbnb alcohol alcoholic alien baby alienation all child cast allegory alps mountains amazon women amnesia Anal anal sex ancient ancient rome angel anilingus antagonistic anthology apocalyptic arab girl arabian woman arachnophobia ardennes argentina arrogant arson art of seduction artwork asian assault asylum audition austria autopsy avant-garde


b movie back from the dead backwoods ballerina ballet dancer band bangladesh bank robbery bare breasts bartender based on comic based on manga based on novel or book based on play or musical based on short story based on true story based on young adult novel basement basket bathing scene battle bauchredner bdsm beach beach sex beast bedtime story beer pong best friend bestiality bewitchment bible biker biography bisexuality bizarre black magic blackmail blaxploitation cinema blind girl blind man blizzard blonde blood revenge blood splatter bloodshed bloody fight blow up doll bludgeoning bmw boarder body horror boiler room bold bondage booby trap bored housewife bound and gagged boundary violations boxing boyfriend brazil brazilian horror brothel brother and sister have sex next to each other brother sex brother sister brother sister relationship brothers brutal death brutal violence brutality bullying bureaucracy buried alive bus bus trip butcher butoh byzantine empire


california camp campsite cannibal cannibalism Canuxploitation captive captivity car carnival castaway castle cat catholic priest catman celebrity cemetery censored cheat on husband cheating cheating boyfriend cheating husband cheating wife child abuse child murder child smoking child strangling childhood sexual abuse christmas horror church cinema on cinema circus climate change clown college student colombia colonialism comedy coming of age compilation compulsion conflict conjoined twins constantinople convent convertible cop copenhagen coprophagia coprophilia cornwall corpse corrupt judge corruption cottage country estate country girl country life couple cousin cousin sex cousins crack cocaine creampie creature creature feature crime boss crocodile crow crucifix crucifixion cruelty crying crypt cuckold cuckolded husband cult cult film curse cursed medallion


dance dance number dancer dark comedy dark killer dark secret daughter dead mother death death of parent decadence deceived wife deception deep throat delusional demon demonic possession denmark dentist depressing desert desire desolate planet detective detroit devil devil worship diamond difficult choice dildo disfigurement disgusted disrespectful disturbed disturbed person disturbed teenager doctor documentary dog doggystyle sex doll domestic abuse dominance submissiveness dominatrix donut shop downbeat dracula drama drawing and painting dream dream sequence drowning drug abuse drug addiction drug trip drug use drugged drugs duringcreditsstinger dysfunctional family dysfunctional relationship


east africa edgar allan poe elevator elves emigrant emperor enema enemies to lovers england english countryside epilepsy erectile dysfunction erika lust films erotic erotic horror erotic movie erotic thriller eroticism erotique escaped convict espionage etruscan evil evil child evil puppet evil spirit exchange student execution exhibitionism exhibitionist existentialism exorcism exorcist experiment experimental film experimental therapy explicit sex exploitation exploitation cinema exploring sexuality extramarital affair extraterrestrial life form extreme pain


fairy tale faith family family relationships family secrets farm fatal attraction father daughter relationship father hits son fbi female assassin female ejaculation (squirt) female friendship female lifeguard female nudity female prisoner female protagonist female sexuality female slave female teacher female yakuza femme fatale fetish fetishism fictitious marriage film in film film noir fingering firestorm first date first kiss first love first time flashback flesh eating FlowerSnake folk horror forbidden love forbidden sex forbidden sexuality forced prostitution foster care foster parents france free love free spirit french countryside french family friends friendship


gang gangster garden of eden garlic gas mask gas station gated community gay gay interest gay sex gay theme geisha genie gestapo ghost giallo girls love goat good versus evil gore gothic goya award for best film grandmother grandson relationship grave graveyard groping group sex guilt gun battle gypsy


halloween hallucination hammock harassment haunted by the past haunted house heart condition hedonism held captive heroin hidden camera hideout high school high school girl high school student hillbilly hippie hitchhiker hollywood hills holocaust (shoah) survivor home invasion homicide detective horror hospital hostage hotel room housemaid housewife human experiment human sacrifice humiliation hurricane husband wife relationship hustler hypnosis hypnotize


ice cave illegal drugs illegal prostitution illegitimate son illicit affair in hostpital incest incest implied incest overtones indian infidelity inheritance innocent inquisition insane asylum insanity intense intern internet troll interracial relationship interracial sex interrogation interspecies romance investigation investigative reporter island isolated farmhouse isolation israel italian


jackie kennedy japan japanese cyberpunk japanese new wave JAV jealousy john f. kennedy journalist jungle


kappa kidnapped boy kidnapping killer killer child killer doll killer snake kink kinky sex kiss kissing korean army


ladykiller lapland large breasts legendary hero lesbian lesbian relationship lesbian sex Levottomat All 3 Parts lgbt lgbt teen lgbtq life and death lifeguard lightning lingerie lion lion tamer lisbon literature professor live-reportage living dead lolita longing loss of innocence loss of loved one loss of virginity love love affair love triangle lovers low budget lsd lucifer lust


mad doctor mad scientist madman madness madrid mafia magic maid male homosexuality male nudity male prostitution male rape male student sex man woman relationship maniac mansion marquis de sade marriage married couple martial arts mask masked killer masochism masochist massage masturbation mature me too mechanical hand medical examiner medical test medieval memory memory loss menage a trois mental asylum mental illness mental institution mentally challenged mexico mexploitation michigan middle ages milf mind control mind game miracle misanthrophy misogyny missing child mistress molestation monster mood ring eyes mother mother and daughter mother daughter relationship mother role mother son relationship mourning murder murder mystery murder spree murderer music instrument musical musician muslim girl mutant mutation mutilation mystery mythology


nanny national socialism nazi nazisploitation (nazi exploitation film) necronomicon necrophilia neighbor neighbor relationship neo-nazis neo-noir new french extremism new guinea new jersey new mexican cinema new york city nicaragua nightclub nightmare nightmare becomes reality nihilism nipple north sea nude boy nude photography nudism nudity nun nunsploitation nursing home nymphomania nymphomaniac


obsession obsessive love occult ohio oil lamp old man older brother younger sister older man younger woman relationship older man younger woman sex older sister older woman seduces younger guy older woman younger man relationship one woman army one-night stand open relationship opera ophthalmologist organ donation orgasm orgy ottoman empire outdoor outdoor nudity overweight man


pact with the devil pain painter painting pantyhose paralysis paranormal paranormal investigation paraphilia parent child relationship paris passion and romance past patagonia peasant pedophilia peeping tom peers pentagram personification of satan perversion perversity pervert phantom of the opera philippines philosophy photograph physical abuse pickup pilot pink film pirate plantation plot twist poison police force policewoman politician politics poltergeist polyamory pool porn actor porn actress porn industry porn parody porn star porn tape porno pornochanchada pornography portugal portuguese colonialism post-apocalyptic future postapocalyptic poverty pregnancy prequel priest primal fear prison prison escape prison warden prisoner professor prom promiscuity prostitute prostitution provence psychiatrist psychic power psycho psycho killer psychological thriller psychopath psychotic puberty public humiliation pumpkin head punishment punk puppet pygmalion


rabies racial prejudice racism radio show rage rage and hate rape rape and murder rape and revenge rape revenge rape victim rapist razor blade re-creation reanimation rehabilitation reincarnation reindeer relation relationship religion religion and supernatural religious cult religious fanaticism religious fundamentalism religious horror religious leader remake reporter rescue retirement home revenge revolt revolutionary rich man poor woman rise ritual murder road trip robbery role playing roman empire roman porno romance romanian new wave rope rose garden runaway rural area


sacrifice sadism sadist sadistic husband sadomasochism same sex marriage sandinism sao paulo satan satanic cult satanic ritual satanism satanist satire scandal schizophrenia school bullying school trip schoolgirl Sci-Fi scissoring sculptor search for child seattle secret past secret room secret society sect seduction seductress seeing parents have sex selling the house sequel serial killer serial rapist series sex sex addiction sex comedy sex in a wheelchair sex lesson sex scene sex show sex slave sex therapy sex with a minor sex with brother sex with half brother sex with sister sex worker sexploitation sexual abuse sexual arousal sexual art sexual assault sexual attraction sexual awakening sexual curiosity sexual desire sexual discovery sexual domination sexual education sexual encounter sexual experimentation sexual fantasy sexual frustration sexual humiliation sexual humor sexual liberation sexual obsession sexual perversion sexual pleasure sexual predator sexual promiscuity sexual repression sexual tension sexual torture sexual violence sexuality sexually aggressive woman sexy sexy body shame shaved vagina short compilation shower siam sibling sibling relationship simulated oral sex single father single mother sister sister - sister incest sister sex sister sister relationship skinny dipping slasher slasher spoof slave slavery sleazy giallo sleep slum small breasts snake snowing snuff social media social realism socialists socialite socially deprived family sociopath sodomy softcore soldier sole survivor son sorority south america southern france southern usa space space research spaghetti western spain spanish congress spanish transition splatter splatter film spousal abuse stage actress statutory rape step-sibling romance stepbrother stepmother stepsister Stocking stolen painting straight razor stranded traveler strangler strangulation strip club stripper strong language studies subconscious subjection submission suffering suicide suicide attempt summer vacation superhero supermarket supernatural supernatural horror supernatural power surreal surrealism survivor suspected incest suspicion swinger swinger club swingers sword fight symbolism syringe


taboo Taboo Series tattoo tavern taxidermist teacher teacher student relationship teachers and students teen romance teenage boy teenage boy sex teenage girl teenage love teenage pregnancy teenage sexuality teenager tel aviv telephone sex temptress texas thanksgiving The Human Centipede the white house therapist Threesome tied up torquemada torture tragic tragic hero tragic love transformation transplantation transsexuality trapped trauma triad troubled teen tumor tunesia turkey turkish twin brother twins


ukraine unattainable desire underage sex underground underground fighting unemployment unfaithful wife unfaithfulness university unrequited love urban gothic urban setting urination


vacation vagina vampire vampire bat vatican vengeful ghost vibrator video nasty vigilante vigilante justice village violence violent death violin violinist virgin virginia virginity virtual reality virtual sex voyeur voyeurism


walking dead water shortage wax museum wax play werewolf wheelchair whipping whodunit wicked priest widow wife wife beater winter witch witch trial witness to a crime woman director woman kills man during sex woman vs woman fight women's prison women's sexual identity woods world war ii writer writer's block




yacht yakuza young boy young nudity youth gang


zombie zombie sex